Fruitchick1's Blog


If you are eating veggies, whatever the time of day-keep it up!

Filed under: Healthy Snacks, Uncategorized — Tags: , , — fruitchick1 @ 11:06 pm

Ooh boy, I didn’t realize LinkedIn would be a report card for this blogger…It’s been 49 days since my last post. Yikes! Don’t worry, I HAVE been eating my vegetables. It’s just that after dinner I never feel like “writing!”. And let me tell you, for some reason dinner=vegetables in my brain. How about you?
I’ve had readers suggest V-8 for breakfast, yet honestly I can hardly even talk myself into veggies at lunch.

One thing I have definitely noticed is that despite trying to add veggies in on their own, I am still only drawn to dishes that incorporate a ton of vegetables all at once, such as salsa, soup, and around here, pizza and pasta. I “know” it would be nice to space them out throughout the day, but for me it’s not realistic.

I recently met with a nutritionist because I was worried about my eating patterns (lots of little “snacks” but no real big meals). She said as long as you eat those mini-meals (apple and peanut butter, cheese and fruit, etc) then why put stress in your life trying to change what is working?” I was so relieved to not walk out of there with a whole new plan I had to follow. So I am adapting that mentality to my preferred vegetable consumption habits!

Consider what works for you. Throw veggies in your omelet, baby peeled carrots in your lunch bag, and have a nice salad any time. Snack on celery sticks, grape tomatoes, cucumber slices, broccoli florets, you name it.

Me, I’m off to enjoy my St. Patrick’s Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots, all cooked together. Just call me the one-dish wonder!

*As always, before changing or even continuing an eating plan, always check with your doctor if you have any health issues or concerns.

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